Metronome Cifra Club

by Studio Sol Comunicação Digital

Music & Audio


The Cifra Club metronome is a tool that measures the music beating (tempo).

With the Metronome you can keep a steady tempo whenever you study music or use our app for musical performances. Choose the measure, listen and select the notes by tempo, save your study history and favorite the most frequently used measures.The Metronome layout is beautiful and practical: it even has a visual indication for you to follow the beats. When using the app, take a look at the number of sound options it presents, its a wide variety for you to test and challenge yourself!Install the app and see how much you can evolve while playing an instrument!We improved the performance, made small adjustments to the layout and corrected some bugs.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Sem dúvida o melhor

Henrique C.

Depois da última atualização, o ícone do aplicativo sumiu. (Moto G5S Plus, Android 7.1.1) Edit: Realmente, após a atualização, o ícone voltou. Obrigado pela atenção.


It xork very well!

Vittor Marques

it's so good (works a lot) i love it

Anna julia

Not bad

Helen Jones

Posso salvar una lista de metrônomo diferentes. Pra ao vivo é bom demais.

Robert Santos

Its a really great app. I just dont like the fact that when it was going to turned my volume up all the way and it sounded super loud without my insturment but when I started playing I couldnt hear anything. Overall it was and good app .

Diiona Tyler

Eu era fã deste app, mas agora está abarrotado de ads que saltam na tela.

Kiko Arquer

Excellent and this app has what I'm looking for

neberd zendi

One of the best app

Macuanda Muanza